You know I'm a big fan of Goodreads. So today, as I was browsing the site, I found this great challenge that I plan on completing.
The rules are: - read one book for every alphabet
- you can read in any order you wish
- the articles "a","an"& "the" are not counted as part of the title
- letters Q,X and Z can be positioned anywhere in the title
Amsterdam-Ian McEwan
Broderii- Marjane Satrapi
C: Capitan la 15 ani- Jules Verne
D: Dublu limbaj- William Golding
E: Emma- Jane Austen
F: Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
G: Golem- Gustav Meyrink
H: Hagi-Murad- Lev Tolstoi
I: Imposibila intoarcere- Marin Preda
J: Johnny Panic si Biblia Viselor- Sylvia Plath
K: To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
L: Lorelei- Ionel Teodoreanu
M: Morometii- Marin Preda
N: Nasul- Mario Puzo
O: Un om sfarsit- Giovanni Papini
P: Povestasul- Mario Vargas Llosa
1Q84- Haruki Murakami
R: Rosu si Negru- Stendhal
S: Sotia zeului bucatariei- Amy Tan
T: The three musketeers- Alexandre Dumas
U: The unbearable lightness of being- Milan Kundera
V: Viata pe un peron- Octavian Paler
W: Why the Caged Bird Sings- Maya Angelou
X: Middlesex- Jeffrey Eugenides
Y: Youth- J.M. Coetzee
Z: Zorba the Greek- Nikos Kazantzakis